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Extra material to that provided in the print book (the Sourcebook and Playbook eBooks have extra material - e.g. blank chart templates and black and white versions of all charts).
Pages such as charts, colouring-in pages (Colour to Knit eBook) can be printed out as many times as required, and on your preferred paper for colouring-in.
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Instant digital download (PDF) editions of KNITSONIK books. These instantly-available PDF downloads come with several great advantages:
No shipping fees.
No import duty for EU customers.
Extra material to that provided in the print book (the Sourcebook and Playbook eBooks have extra material - e.g. blank chart templates and black and white versions of all charts).
Pages such as charts, colouring-in pages (Colour to Knit eBook) can be printed out as many times as required, and on your preferred paper for colouring-in.
eBooks can be stored across all your devices.
Hyperlinks in the text work perfectly in eBooks - less so in printed books!
Yarnadelic Remixes 0.1 (instant PDF download)
Have you ever listened to your needles as you knit, and picked up the traces of a rhythm? Found yourself knitting a stranded colourwork design and whi...
£21.00View details
KNITSONIK Stranded Colourwork Sourcebook (instant download PDF eBook)
This instant download PDF eBook features all the same content as the printed copy of the KNITSONIK Stranded Colourwork Sourcebook. Additionally, this ...
£18.99View details
KNITSONIK Stranded Colourwork Playbook (instant download PDF eBook)
This instant download PDF eBook features all the same content as the printed copy of the KNITSONIK Stranded Colourwork Playbook. Additionally, this di...
£19.99View details
KNITSONIK Playbook Colouring Companion (instant download PDF eBook)
This instant download digital copy of the KNITSONIK Playbook Colouring Companion features all the same content as the print book but is delivered inst...
£6.99View details
KNITSONIK & Friends Colour to Knit eBook (instant PDF download)
Join KNITSONIK & Friends and have more fun playing with colour when you knit!KNITSONIK & Friends: Colour to Knit is an eBook designed to build...
£20.00View details
All the KNITSONIK eBooks
Please Note that this bundle features DIGITAL EBOOKS ONLY - you will receive instant PDF downloads. Download the files once they arrive, then store th...
£45.00View details