In 2020 - in the midst of the global pandemic - Felix founded her online school with the launch of her highly popular KNITSONIK Bullet Journaling course:

"I found Felicity “Felix” Ford’s Knitsonik Bullet Journaling Course, and it’s not an exaggeration to say her style has sparked a bonfire of joy for me." - Max Daniels writing for Modern Daily Knitting

Since that first course, she has launched her flagship design course (The KNITSONIK System); a mini-course that shows you how to use colouring-in to support your stranded colourwork designs; and a joyous multimedia project that explores the concept of turning music into patterns we can knit, produced in collaboration with Muriel Pensivy (Yarnadelic Remixes 0.1). 

The KNITSONIK School is a fun online spaces where you can undertake these creative online courses produced by Felicity (Felix) Ford. These courses are all designed to be as inspiring, accessible and inclusive as possible. Buy course places on Teachable (where the school is hosted) or, if you prefer, buy them here as gifts or as part of a publications/learning bundle. 

Here in the KNITSONIK Shop, you can also contribute money towards the Pay-It-Forward scheme

All course videos are subtitled (with option to switch off subtitles if you prefer).

You can follow course content at your own pace.

You have lifetime access to course content.

Please read the small-print about how courses purchased here are fulfilled in The KNITSONIK School (the school and this shop are two totally separate platforms).

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