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Golden Ticket for KNITSONIK Bullet Journaling online course
by KNITSONIKGive the gift of Felix’s KNITSONIK Bullet Journaling course!
This is Felix’s most popular online course and you can now gift to your friends and family with a beautifully designed golden-ticket. A scannable QR code on the ticket provides instant access to the course and is a lovely thing to receive in the mail or to tuck into the branches of a Christmas tree for a loved one. If ordered alone, it can be mailed directly to the recipient with a colourful collection of postage stamps, for a spark of magic in the mail.
So what is KNITSONIK Bullet Journaling?
It's a five-part, month-long course designed to help you fall in love with bullet journaling as a creative and supportive tool for managing your life. The course leads you through a sequence of tasks designed to help you develop a personal, anti-perfectionist and playful journaling practice. Bullet points help you keep track of your lists and plans but this organisational focus is explored within a wider framework of self-kindness and creative generosity.
KNITSONIK Bullet Journaling makes journaling fun; includes zero pressure; can be fit around your schedule; and is equally suitable whether you’re new to the concept of bullet journaling or a seasoned practitioner looking to refresh and revitalise your approach.
Throughout the course, the bullet journal is presented as a tool for uplift and problem-solving. Messy, permissive and enabling, KNITSONIK Bullet Journaling is designed to support you in a number of different areas of life but, as you'd expect, there's a large focus on knitting, self-care and creativity.
Although you can enjoy the course at whatever pace suits you, KNITSONIK Bullet Journaling has been designed to run across a month. Enrolment provides access to 21 high-quality, carefully edited videos totalling over four hours of content; full support in the comment threads under tasks; and access to Gallery Pages, where you can share, and see, other students' work. You will have access to this enriching content for as long as you like.
Testimonials for KNITSONIK Bullet Journaling
“Today I want to share a resource that changed my journaling practice, and my daily life, vastly for the better: Felicity Ford’s self-paced KNITSONIK Bullet Journaling course. Deep in the stay-at-home days of 2020, I signed up for the course and dived right in. To my delight, Felix’s course was a direct path to what I’d been searching for: a way to use my bullet journaling practice more fully, to make life actually better and more fun. To make my journal more than a book of lists, and to avoid making “keep a journal” a chore. As an artist, designer, and teacher, Felix had transformed her own journaling practice into a celebration of “everyday life as a source of inspiration and joy,” and her course shares how to do that yourself. More than 3 years later, while re-watching the course before writing this post, I fell in love all over again. And I took stock of how far Felix has brought me. Thanks to Felix, today my journal really does feel like home. It’s mine all mine: easy, fun, and supremely useful”.
- Kay Gardiner, Modern Daily Knitting
"Knitsonik who is the most fun and inspiring teacher I know has a very accessible online course. I would take a course in how to read the phone book if she gave one, so I’m not totally objective here, and my bullet journaling is somewhat half-a&&ed. The course is less than £50 and I found it helpful. Professional but unpretentious, and fun. "
- failbetter, course-participant and Ravelry user